4"x 6" padded, waterproof storage
pouch |

BubblePakit - click image for larger
waterproof TLC for the tender gadgets you carry into the backcountry,
sized to fit handily inside an UnSlack
Pack shoulder pouch or a jacket pocket.
0.37 oz (10.5 g) each
PROTECTIVE: Use to protect GPS units, PDAs, iPods, cell
phones, cameras, wallet, food, fire starting supplies, first
aid supplies, and more.
Two layers of strong 4 mil plastic surround an inner lining
of 3/16" heavy duty cushioning bubbles.
and FLOATABLE: When properly sealed, BubblePakit is waterproof
and will float stored items if accidentally dropped into the
Each 4" x 6" BubblePakit weighs less than half an
works great as an inner, waterproof liner for our UnSlack Pack
(and, for that matter, the BotSpot
as well). It also provides excellent protection on its own, carried
either in a backpack or a shirt pocket. We recently brought BubblePakit
on a long-distance hike and were sufficiently impressed both by
its performance and compatibility with our line of accessory pockets
that we're now offering it for sale through our website. And yes,
it really does float!
Tips for use:
For best results, avoid overloading your BubblePakit, which could
damage the unit or its zip closure. Apply the closure carefully
in order to insure a water-tight seal. After sealing, fold the
closure strip downward when storing BubblePakit within an UnSlack
Pack. Avoid placing BubblePakit near sharp objects if carrying
the unit loose inside a backpack.
Dimensions (exterior): 4.25" x 7.0" (flat)
Dimensions (interior): 3.75" x 6.0" (flat)
Weight: 0.37 oz (10.5 g)
© 2013 Simblissity Ultralight Designs