miles from west terminus: 153 Distance from GET:
2.5 miles SE via
Aravaipa-Klondyke Rd Founded
in the early 1900's by a pair of nostalgic Yukon gold diggers, Klondyke (spelled
with a 'y' instead of an 'i') holds on as a tiny outpost of civilization near
the east end of Aravaipa Canyon. Now primarily a ranching community, as well as
playing host to the occasional urban refugee, Klondyke has just one storefront:
the tiny Klondyke Country Store, now reopened and refurbished after a long hiatus,
with an eye toward helping out locals, tourists, and hikers alike. Klondyke remains
a legitimate alternative to resupplying in Mammoth, but please take note of current
arrangements for the shipping and holding of mail parcels.
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