Trails of the GET

A Resource for Hikers, Trail Maintainers and Land Managers

The Grand Enchantment Trail is entirely dependent upon the vast network of individual hiking trails that comprise the route, and these trails would cease to exist without the support of trail maintainers...

In the course of its 700+ mile length, the GET follows foot trails more than half the time, over 70 unique trails altogether from Phoenix to Albuquerque, and in no small way this trail network helps hold the GET together. While a primitive, challenging backcountry experience is to be embraced on a long-distance route of this sort, still the GET undeniably benefits from occasional trail maintenance, targeting those trails that are most in need, in order to maintain basic passage without undue hardship. With this in mind, we offer a comprehensive listing of the trails that the GET uses, alongside information that should be of use to those who wish to support the GET in a trail maintenance capacity. Please see the chart below.

In the past, the Grand Enchantment Trail has occasionally benefited from land management agency-supported trail maintenance that just so happened to coincide with the GET's routing. We would now like to extend the opportunity to interested parties to perform trail work specifically on behalf of the trails of the GET. While the GET is entirely conceptual in nature and does not exist as a distinct entity on the ground, the route nonetheless offers tangible benefits by promoting positive recreational opportunities on area ranger districts and through related tourism generated in the local communities. We also like to think of the GET as the excuse any dedicated trail crew may be looking for to get out there and help maintain the legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corps for future generations. Indeed, this is an opportunity just waiting to happen.

The chart below highlights the primary maintenance needs of the trails of the GET. (The trails highlighted yellow can be considered most in need and/or of highest priority at this time.) If you would like to help in any capacity - be it organizing a work project or even just heading out with loppers and folding saw for an afternoon - please contact us here for more information about the specific trail(s) you'd like to help.

The trails are just waiting to say "thank you!"

GET Segment
Trail Name / Number
Overview Map
Primary Maintenance Needs
Managing Agency
Dutchman / 104 brushing along Needle Canyon and La Barge Canyon (especially south of Peters Trail junction)
Tonto NF Mesa R.D.

Red Tanks / 107 brushing, catclaw removal, especially from Upper La Barge Box eastward; improved cairning; some progress early 2011
Hoolie Bacon / 111 brushing (catclaw and oak removal) ongoing; improved cairning needed in a few places; tread improvement east side of Horse Ridge needed to reduce erosion
JF (Ranch) / 106 improved cairning throughout; brushing toward Tortilla Pass (greatly improved 2014 by volunteers)
Rogers Canyon / 110 brushing west of Angel Basin (greatly improved 2014 by volunteers), also needed east of Angel Basin
Reavis Ranch / 109 (AZ Trail) OK at last check
AZ Trail Association (
Reavis Canyon / 509 (AZ Trail) minor brushing (catclaw and mesquite)
Tonto NF Mesa / Globe R.D.
480-610-3300 / 928-402-6200
AZ Trail Association (
Arizona Trail OK at last check

Arizona Trail

brushing & flagging along GET where separate from AZT in this segment incl White Canyon Wilderness
AZ Trail Association (
Tonto NF Globe R.D. 928-402-6200
BLM Tucson F.O. 520-258-7200
Arizona Trail better tread definition to reduce confusion with stock paths in a few places; improved AZT signage
AZ Trail Association (
Arizona Trail better tread definition to reduce confusion with stock paths in a few places
AZ Trail Association (
Brandenburg Mtn connector OK at last check (primitive trail)
AZ Trail Association (
Reef Basin / 68 brushing, cairning, ongoing flagging; maintain primitive character but improve followability
Coronado NF Safford R.D.
Holdout Canyon / 69 brushing (catclaw esp.), cairning, flagging; maintain primitive character but improve followability
Black Rock Canyon / 292 OK at last check
Cottonwood Mtn / 66 brushing, cairning, flagging, blowdown removal, mostly from Cottonwood Mtn crest NE to Fourmile Spring area
Johns Canyon Ridge / 313 brushing (live oak), minor blowdown removal, improved cairning, tread reconstruction in old burn section, signing at trailheads
Coronado NF Safford R.D.
Blue Jay Ridge / 314 received trail crew in 2011; as of 2013 needs minor blowdown removal, fix incorrect signing at trailheads
Clark Peak / 301 major trail work 2010-2011; Taylor Pass burn area still brushy / rough for about a mile as of late 2013
Chesley Flat / 311 received trail crew in 2010, opening up entire trail from Chesley Flat to Webb Peak (post Nuttal Fire rehab); new blowdown removal needed 2014
Webb Peak / 345 blowdown removal needed in a few places
Ash Creek / 307 major rehab of entire trail occurred in 2009 and 2010
Old Safford-Morenci Trail continued brushing W side of Bellmeyer Saddle; recommend BLM keep cattle away from reconstructed trail in South Smith Csnyon, which is now harming the resource (possibly addressed 2013)
BLM Safford F.O.
Painted Bluff / 13 more cairning & flagging below Painted Bluff Corral
Apache NF Clifton R.D.
Granville / 572 no major issues at this time; flagging added 2014 to improve followability in places
Apache NF Clifton R.D.
Frye / 12 minor blowdown removal, better define trail across side drain just S of Sardine Creek
HL Canyon / 11 brushing occurred 2009 from Frye Tr jct to Tr 703 jct; otherwise OK; protect Mud Spring from being siphoned away for grazing allotment
Pigeon Creek / 465 cairning and flagging W of Wing Tank 2010 but could use more cairning; more signage at jcts where trail is located on 4WD
Bohom / 561 primitive but OK at last check
Apache NF Clifton R.D.
Wild Bunch / 7 tread construction in lower Wild Bunch Canyon to repair flood damage (or at least more cairning at drain crossings)
Apache NF Clifton R.D.
Horse Canyon / 36 tread definition (brushing & blowdown removal) near Maple Peak and in burn area toward Charlie Moore Mtn
Charlie Moore / 307 OK at last check; vehicle barrier at singletrack / 4WD jct would be proactive at this point
Gold Dust / 41 status unknown following Whitewater-Baldy Fire of 2012
Gila NF Glenwood R.D.
Whitewater / 207 status unknown following Whitewater-Baldy Fire of 2012
South Fork Whitewater / 212 reportedly heavily eroded with deep debris following summer 2013 flooding
East Fork Whitewater / 213 status unknown following Whitewater-Baldy Fire of 2012
Holt Apache / 181 as of fall 2010 - significant (if nuisance) big tree blowdowns at intervals throughout, requiiring dedicated trail crew; improved tree marking would also make snow travel easier; reportedly same conditions ongoing, exacerbated in wake of 2012 Whitewater-Baldy Fire
Crest / 182 nuisance blowdown removal in burn area N of Mogollon Baldy - maintenance usu. occurs yearly; OK at last check; reportedly 182 received major rehab following Whitewater-Baldy Fire & in good shape as of 2013
Mogollon Baldy / 152 OK at last check; trail crew in 2010 (clearing & water bars)
Gila NF Wilderness R.D.
West Fork / 151 OK at last check; improved signing needed at jct along creek below Cub Mesa
West Fork / 151 summer 2013 flooding may have caused erosion where tr crosses river but is reportedly followable without difficulty; better signing at jct with old trail along river near White Creek Admin Site (installed 2010) now avoids confusion
Gila NF Wilderness R.D.
Middle Fork / 157 summer 2013 flooding left debris, caused erosion where tr crosses river
Gila NF Wilderness R.D.
North Mesa / 27 OK at last check; better signing would be helpful at jcts
Adobe Canyon / 804 OK at last check; better signing would be helpful at jcts
East Fork de facto trail along creek; OK at last check
Diamond Creek de facto trail along creek; tread visibility variable depending on how much use
Tr 713 cairning, flagging, better signing at several unmarked jcts
Tom Moore Canyon / 708 OK at last check; new tree marks & signing installed 2010; vehicle barrier (functional gate at least) and signing at Wilderness boundary would be proactive at this point
Me Own / 707 cairning / flagging at several unmarked jcts
Gila NF Wilderness R.D.
South Diamond Creek / 68 OK considering primitive character & remote location
Burnt Canyon / 69 trail crew (blowdown & locust removal in burn area) 2009; may need again
Continental Divide / 74 2009-2010 large-scale blowdown removal; tread rehab N of Fishermans Bluff; holes remaining in Wilderness, esp. near Diamond Peak
Gila NF Black Range R.D.
CDT Alliance (
Continental Divide / 74 chainsaw crew in 2009; trail used as fireline in 2010, now needs rehab back to vehicle-free singletrack; improved blazing/cairning needed in Franks Mountain area
Gila NF Black Range R.D.
CDT Alliance (
Continental Divide / 74 chainsaw crew in 2009; sporadic OHV abuse of built singletrack portions of CDT; vehicle barriers and signing needed soon to avoid becoming 2-track road along crest
Gila NF Black Range R.D.
CDT Alliance (
Wahoo / 60 primitive route along fenceline; flagging & cairning as helpful; tread construction in lower portion would avoid confusion here
Gila NF Black Range R.D.
Shipman / 50 blowdown removal & tread definition, esp. Myers Cabin to Nave Spring area
Cibola NF Magdalena R.D.
Apache Kid / 43 25 Yard Spring to Blue Mtn saw crew in 2010; Blue Mtn northbound saw crew in 2009 but needs upkeep due to continued deadfall in burn zone
Apache Kid / 43 Tr 43 in this section saw crew late 2009 or early 2010
Cibola NF Magdalena R.D.
Potato Canyon / 38 cairning, flagging, brushing, blowdown removal at & below switchbacking section; new tree cuts & better tread definition in lower canyon would be helpful; improved vehicle barrier at Wilderness boundary is needed
West Fork Sawmill / 19 improve tread definition, esp. along switchbacks; more signing at ill-defined trailhead on Crest
Cibola NF Magdalena R.D.
North Baldy / 8 improve cairning/signing in North Baldy area; also brushing (oak) this area
Pine Shadow / 170A tread definition, brushing, blowdown removal as needed following Ojo Peak fire

Cibola NF Mountainair R.D.


Crest / 170 major brushing effort needed, esp. in Trigo fire burn zone and N of Capilla Peak to Cerro Blanco Tr jct; tread rehab. & resigning in Trigo burn still needed; mitigate cattle damage to trail system around Bosque Pk; hikers can help throughout by flagging, cairning, and clipping; thanks also to Mountainaires, Backcountry Horsemen & NM Wild!
Cerro Blanco / 79 OK at last check
Fourth of July / 173 OK at last check; improve signing around Upper 4th Spring
Fourth of July Spur / 173 OK at last check
Albuquerque / 78 OK at last check; improve Albuquerque Trail Spring & protect from livestock
Cibola NF Mountainair R.D.
Turkey Trot / 05162 OK at last check; improved signing at junctions
Cibola NF Sandia R.D.
Drop In / 05238 OK at last check; improved signing at junctions
Blue Ribbon / 05236 OK at last check
Tunnel Canyon / 05145 OK at last check
Powerline / 05543 improve signing at jcts
ATV Bypass / 05617 OK at last check
South Crest / 130 brushing, signing, cairning, sporadic from Canoncito Tr to 10k Tr jct
Cibola NF Sandia R.D.
South Crest / 130 OK at last check
Cibola NF Sandia R.D.
La Luz Spur / 84 OK at last check
La Luz / 137 OK at last check
Tramway / 82 tread definition (closing of converging social trails), cairning, mostly Jaral Cabin to trailhead at tram station, although some improvements made '09-'10

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